Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Dan Gaya Belajarterhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Siswa Kelas X IPA SMA/MA Negeri Se-Kecamatan Gerung Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018


  • Ayrin Maorining Dyah Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Mataram
  • I Nyoman Loka Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Mataram
  • Agus Abhi Purwoko Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Mataram

Kata Kunci:

learning motivation, learning styles, learning outcomes


The study aimed to know the influence of : (1) the effect of learning motivation to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District: (2) the effect of learning styles to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District; (3) the effect of learning motivation and learning styles to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District. This study was a quantitative expost facto. The studied population were all student of class X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District of 281 student. The sample of the studies is class of X IPA 1 to X IPA 6 in SMAN 1 Gerung, class of X IPA in SMAN 2 Gerung, and class of X IPA 1 to X IPA 2 in MAN West Lombok were seleced as the sample by proporsional random sampling technique. Data collection of learning motivation and learning styles with questionnaire, and while the data on learning outcomes of chemistry were obtained from the midterm scores of the 2017/2018. The instrument validity test uses product moment correlation and the reliability test uses the Alpha Cronbach. Data analysis techniques used are the product moment correlation, simple regression analysis techniques and multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that; (1) there was a positive and significant effect of learning motivation to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District. This is evident from of rstat = 0,393 greater than rtable = 0,159, (2) there was a positive and significant effect of learning styles to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District. This is evident from of rstat = 0,793 greater than rtable = 0,159, (3) there was a positive and significant effect of learning motivation and learning styles together to chemistry learning outcomes of student class of X IPA SMA/MA Negeri in Gerung District. This is evident from of rstat = 0,217 greater than rtable = 0,159.


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