Erotisme Dan Penyimpangan Nilai Dalam Lirik Lagu Pop Indonesia: Kajian Hermeneutika Ricoeur


  • Wika Wahyuni Universitas Mataram

Kata Kunci:

eroticism, value deviation, hermeneutica, pop song lyrics


This paper discusses the element of eroticism in several Indonesian pop songs. This element of eroticism is also related to deviations in values, namely moral, ethical, and religious values. The purpose of this study is to explain the elements of eroticism and deviation of values contained in the lyrics of several Indonesian pop songs. This study applies descriptive qualitative methods. Data collected in the form of words, images and not numbers. The data in this study are ten pop song lyrics which contain elements of sexuality and value deviations. Data collection is done by re-recording the song lyrics heard from a music player and then analyzed by hermeneutical theory in Paul Ricoeur's view. The technique used to analyze documents is content analysis that refers to the hermeneutic approach. Content analysis is a technique used to draw conclusions through efforts to find the characteristics of messages and be carried out objectively and systematically.


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