Role of Teacher as Facilitator in School Literacy Movement at SD Al-Khodijah Merauke


  • Sri Winarsih Department of English Literature, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

literacy, school literacy movement, role of teacher


SD Al-Khodijah Merauke is an Elementary School which is pioneering school literacy movement in Merauke. This study aims to describe the role of teacher as facilitator in the program of school literacy movement implemented at SD Al-Khodijah Merauke. There were eight teachers including the headmaster of SD Al-Khodijah Merauke as the object of this study. By overt observation and structured interviews the data were collected and then analyzed using Miles and Hubermanââ¬â¢s three steps; reducing, displaying and verifying which were presented descriptive qualitatively. The result shows that there are two big roles of the teacher as facilitator in implementing school literacy movement at SD Al-Khodijah Merauke; 1) Creating reading materials due to the lack of them based on three consideration; literary works, animated picture, local wisdom; 2) Creating JuMaDi (Jumat Majalah dinding) a weekly wall magazine event due to the lack of studentsââ¬â¢ participation on the event. In other words, role of teacher as facilitator in the implementation of school literacy movement at SD Al-Khodijah Merauke can be called teacher as problem solver.


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