Efektivitas Penerapan Media Animasi Melalui Model Kooperatif Tipe STAD Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep dan Minat Fisika Siswa
Kata Kunci:
animation media, mastery of concepts, interest in learningAbstrak
The use of instructional media which is still lacking and monotonous models causes low mastery of students' concepts and interests in physics. This pre-experimental research aims to identify the effectiveness of the application of animation media to students' mastery of concepts and interests in physics. the pre-experimental design used is One group pretest-posttest design. Analysis of the data in this study using SPSS software version 16.0. The results obtained ñ <0.05 with N-Gain Score 0.63 for concept mastery. As for the physics interests of students obtained ñ <0.05 with N-Gain of 0.37. For the value of the effect size of the application of animation media to the mastery of concepts and physics interests of students respectively are 3.82 and 1.87 with the category of very effective. Based on these results it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the application of animation media to students' mastery of concepts and physics interests. The application of animation media also has a very large effect size on the mastery of students' concepts and interests in physics.Referensi
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