Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
Policies and Procedures: Submitted manuscripts must be in English. Manuscript submitted for publication will be reviewed by two independent reviewers and if necessary repair it must be corrected by the author. If the manuscript is sent is not in accordance with the standards Jurnal Biologi Tropis will be returned to the author for correction. Some corrections/suggestions from reviewers for each manuscript will be sent to the author before it is accepted/approved for printing. The last manuscript has been corrected author must be returned along with the comments of the reviewer. Some revisions are usually required after review and final acceptance is generally dependent on the results of the revision. In submitting a revised manuscript, authors are asked to submit an explanation of how the revisions were made and the reasons why they did not agree with the correction/suggestion in which the author has not revised. A manuscript is considered withdrawn if the author does not respond within 3 months after the review results are given. The author as the contact person will be notified of the final decision of the editors.
Procedures for Admission: Accepted manuscripts must be submitted online through http://jurnalfkip.unram.ac.id/index.php/JBT/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions. The manuscript is written in Microsoft Word.
Aims and Scope Journal of Tropical Biology encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all biodiversity aspects of plants, animals, and microbes at the level of the gene, species, and ecosystem as well as ethnobiology.
Article types The journal seeks original full-length research papers, reviews, and short communication. Manuscript of original research should be written in no more than 8, 000 words (including tables and picture), or proportional with articles in this publication number. Review articles will be accommodated, while, short communication should be written at least 2, 000 words, except for pre-study.
Period of issuance. This journal is published (printed) in January-April, May-August, and September-December (starting in 2020). However, the online publication was done immediately after acceptance.
The journal only accepts the online submission, through open journal system as well as e-mail to the managing editor at [email protected]. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter containing the article title, the first name and last name of all the authors, a paragraph describing the claimed novelty of the findings versus current knowledge; and a list of five suggested international reviewers (title, name, postage address, email address). Reviewers must not be subject to a conflict of interest involving the author(s) or manuscript(s). The editor is not obligated to use any reviewer suggested by the author(s).
Submission of a manuscript implies that the submitted work has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or report, or abstract), and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. When a manuscript was written by a group, all authors should read and approve the final version of the submitted manuscript and its revision; and agree on the submission of manuscripts for this journal. All authors should have made substantial contributions to the concept and design of the research, acquisition of the data and its analysis; drafting of the manuscript and correcting of the revision. All authors must be responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethics of the work.
Kindly please download the journal template
Please make sure before submitting that: The manuscript is proofread several times by the author(s), and is criticized by some colleagues. The language is revised by a professional science editor or a native English speaker. The structure of the manuscript follows the guidelines (sections, references, quality of the figures, etc). Abstract provides a clear view of the content of the paper and attracts potential citers. The number of cited references complies with the limits set by this journal (around 20 for research papers and 150 for review articles).
All manuscripts must be written in clear and grammatically correct English (U.S.).
The manuscript should be as short as possible, with the abstract 200 words. Manuscript of original research should be written in no more than 8, 000 words (including tables and picture), or proportional with articles in this publication number. The review articles will be accommodated, while, short communication should be written in about 2, 000 words, except for pre-study (can longer). For a research paper, the manuscript should be arranged in the following sections and appear in order: Title, Abstract, Keywords (arranged from A to Z), Running title (heading), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, and References. For reviews and short communications, it is accommodated.
The manuscript is typed on white paper of A4 (210x297 mm2) size, in a single column, single space, 10-point (10 pt) Times New Roman font. The margin text is 3 cm from the top, 2 cm from the bottom, and 1.8 cm from the left and right. Smaller lettering size can be applied in presenting table and figure (9 pt). Word processing program or additional software can be used. However, it must be PC compatible and Microsoft Word based (.doc or .rtf; not .docx). Scientific names of species (incl. subspecies, variety, etc.) should be written in italic, except for italic sentence. Scientific name (genera, species, author), and cultivar or strain should be mentioned completely for the first time mentioning it in the body text, especially for taxonomic manuscripts. Name of genera can be shortened after first mentioning, except generating confusion. Name of the author can be eliminated after first mentioning. For example, Rhizopus oryzae L. UICC 524, hereinafter can be written as R. oryzae UICC 524. Using trivial name should be avoided, otherwise generating confusion. Biochemical and chemical nomenclature should follow the order of the IUPAC - IUB. For DNA sequence, it is better used Courier New font. Symbols of standard chemical and abbreviation of chemistry name can be applied for common and clear used, for example, completely written butilic hydroxytoluene (BHT) to be BHT hereinafter. Metric measurement use IS denomination, usage another system should follow the value of equivalent with the denomination of IS first mentioning. Abbreviations set off, like g, mg, mL, etc. do not follow by dot. Minus index (m-2, L-1, h-1) suggested being used, except in things like "per-plant" or "per-plot". The equation of mathematics does not always can be written down in one column with text, in that case, can be written separately. Number one to ten is expressed with words, except if it relates to measurement, while values above them written in number, except in early sentence. The fraction should be expressed in decimal. In the text, it should be used "%" rather than "percent". Avoid expressing ideas with complicated sentence and verbiage, and used an efficient and effective sentence.
The title of the article should be written in compact, clear, and informative sentence, preferably not more than 20 words. Name of author(s) should be completely written, especially for the first and the last name. Name and institution address should also be completely written with street name and number (location), postal code, telephone number, facsimile number, and email address. We choose local names in Bahasa Indonesia for universities in Indonesia. The mention of "graduate program", "undergraduate program", "post-graduate program", "master program", "doctoral program" should be avoided in the name of institution. Manuscript written by a group, author for correspondence along with address is required (marked with " "). The title page (first page) should include title of the article, full name(s), institution (s) and address (es) of the author(s); the corresponding authors detailed postage and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers.
Abstract A concise abstract is required (about 200 words). The abstract should be informative and state briefly the aim of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, thus it must be able to stand alone (completely self-explanatory). References should not be cited, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, they must be defined at their first mention.
Keywords are about five words, covering scientific and local name (if any), research theme, and special methods which used; and sorted from A to Z.
Abbreviations (if any): All important abbreviations must be defined at their first mention there. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.
Running title is about five words.
The introduction is about 400-600 words, covering the aims of the research and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
Materials and Methods should emphasize on the procedures and data analysis.
Results and Discussion should be written as a series of connecting sentences, however, for a manuscript with long discussion should be divided into subtitles. Thorough discussion represents the causal effect mainly explains why and how the results of the research were taken place, and do not only re-express the mentioned results in the form of sentences.
Concluding sentence should be given at the end of the discussion.
Acknowledgments are expressed in a brief; all sources of institutional, private and corporate financial support for the work must be fully acknowledged, and any potential conflicts of interest are noted.
Figures and Tables of a maximum of three pages should be clearly presented. The title of a picture is written down below the picture, while the title of a table is written above the table. Colored figures can only be accepted if the information in the manuscript can lose without those images; the chart is preferred to use black and white images. The author could consign any picture or photo for the front cover, although it does not print in the manuscript. All images property of others should be mentioned the source. There is no appendix, all data or data analysis is incorporated into Results and Discussions. For broad data, it can be displayed on the website as a supplement.
Author-year citations are required. In the text give the authors name followed by the year of publication and arrange from oldest to newest and from A to Z. In citing an article written by two authors, both of them should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors only the first author is mentioned followed by et al., for example: Saharjo and Nurhayati (2006) or (Boonkerd 2003a, b, c; Sugiyarto 2004; El-Bana and Nijs 2005; Balagadde et al. 2008; Webb et al. 2008). Extent citation as shown with word "cit" should be avoided. Reference to unpublished data and personal communication should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g., Rifai MA 2007, pers. com. (personal communication); Setyawan AD 2007, unpublished data). In the reference list, the references should be listed in an alphabetical order (better, if only 20 for research papers). Names of journals should be abbreviated. Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal's name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations (www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php).
The following examples are for guidance.
Sari, B. W. P., Sedijani, P., & Mertha, I. G. (2021). Traffict Density Affects Stomatal Character of Tanjung Plant (Mimusops elengi, L.) in Mataram City.ÃÂ Jurnal Biologi Tropis,ÃÂ 21(1), 1-7.
The usage of "et al." in long author lists will also be accepted:
Subari, A., Razak, A., Sumarmin, R., et al. (2021). Phylogenetic Analysis of Rasbora spp. Based on the Mitochondrial DNA COI gene in Harapan Forest.ÃÂ Jurnal Biologi Tropis,ÃÂ 21(1), 89-94.
Article by DOI:
Zarââ¬â¢ah, N. A., Syachruddin, S., & Kusmiyati, K. (2021). The Effect of Green Betel Leaves (Piper betle L.) Extract on Wounding Healing in Mice (Mus musculus L.).àJurnal Biologi Tropis. 20 (3): 302-310. DOI:àhttp://dx.doi.org/10.29303/jbt.v21i1.2282
Tomson, C.B. & Max, F. (1986). The Botany of mangroves. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 360 pp
Book Chapter:
Tomson, C.B. & Max, F. (1986). The Botany of mangroves. In kamal (Eds.), mangrove growth (pp: 21-24). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 360 pp.
Syukur, A. (2020). Distribution and Diversity of Echinoderms in the Coastal Waters of South Beach of Lombok Island. The 02th Annual Symposium of the International Conferenc for Science, Mataram University, Indonesia, 27-29 September 2020.
Juniati, N. (2020). Comparison of Lung Capacity in Communities in Low Land and High Land. In: Husnul F (eds). Proceeding of National Seminary and Workshop in Lombok Island. Mataram University, Mataram, 11-12 October 2020. [Indonesian]
Thesis, Dissertation:
Hariani, BD. (2020). The Assessment of the Quality of Water from Regional Drinking Water Company Giri Menang as a Source of Community drinking water in the City of Mataram. [Dissertation]. Mataram University, Mataram. [Indonesian]
Online document:
M. Yamin, Dadi Setiadi, & Khairuddin (2020). Diet and Behavior of Macaca fascicularis for Ecotourism Contributing on Pengsong Area. Ana Sys Bio, 4: 187. www.anatomysystemsbiology.com
The author is highly valued when citing references from other journals in this publisher group.
Tables should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a title at the top. Illustrations Do not use figures that duplicate matter in tables. Figures can be supplied in digital format, or photographs and drawings, which can be ready for reproduction. Label each figure with figure number consecutively.
Proofreading will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as .docÃÂ or .docx files for checking and correcting of typographical errors. To avoid delay in publication, proofs should be returned within 7 days.
Do not include personal communications or unpublished data or materials (such as project final reports, websites, computer programs, poster papers, presentations, and manuscripts that are not published yet) as references. However, these materials may be inserted as a footnote in the main text. The footnotes for websites should be given in the format shown below:
NCBT (2018). Gen Bank Overview [online]. Website https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ [accessed 00 Month Year].
Uni Proxy (2018). Animal toxin annotation project [online].Website: https://www.uniprot.org/program/Toxins [accessed 00 Month Year].
References within the Text
References should be cited in the text by the last name(s) of the author(s) and year of publication with a comma between them: for example, (Knott, 1987) or (Cochran and Cox, 1957). If the citation is the subject of the sentence, only the date should be given in parentheses: ââ¬ÅAccording to Knott (1987)ââ¬Â¦Ã¢â¬Â For citation of references with 3 or more authors, only the first authorââ¬â¢s name followed by et al. (not italicized) should be used: (GuÃËneà Ÿ et al., 2002). If there is more than one reference in the same year for the same author, please add the letters a, b, etc. to the year: (Jones et al., 2004a, 2004b). References should be listed in the text chronologically, separated by semicolons, and references published in the same year should be further ordered alphabetically: (Anderson et al., 1987; Knott, 1987; Zheng and Li, 1987; GuÃËneà Ÿ et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2004a, 2004b).
Reference List
If the author of a reference is an organization or corporation, use its name in the reference list (using an abbreviation in the citation, if appropriate); do not use ââ¬ÅAnonymousââ¬Â. In the case of publications in languages other than English, the published English title should be provided if one exists, with an annotation such as ââ¬Å(in Turkish)ââ¬Â. If the publication was not published with an English title, provide the original title only; do not provide a self-translation. Please transliterate the titles of publications published in non-Latin alphabets. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text without numbering. All authors should be included in reference lists unless there are 6 or more, in which case only the first 5 should be given, followed by et al. (not italicized). The manuscript should be checked carefully to ensure that the spellings of the authorsââ¬â¢ names and the years are exactly the same in the text as given in the reference list. Please ensure that author names are given exactly as they were published; e.g., if the names of Turkish authors were originally published with Turkish characters, include the Turkish characters: (Gunawan et al., 2008). If the original publication did not use Turkish characters, do not include them in your citations: (Gunawan et al., 2008). The reference list must not contain more than 100 and 35 references for review articles and research articles, respectively.
References should be formatted as follows (please note the punctuation and capitalization):
Journal articles:
Journal titles should not be abbreviated; the whole name of the journal should be given. Include the doi number if one exists.
Norma Juniati, Yenni Desimarlina, & Annisa Zikri Robbia (2019). Production and characterization of uricase from Streptomyces exfoliates UR10 isolated from farm wastes. Journal of Biology 36 (3): 521-530. DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v21i1.2360
More than 5 authors
Norma Juniati, Yenni Desimarlina, Annisa Zikri Robbia, Ainun Jariah, Husnul Fuadi et al. (2018). Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human amniotic fluid to vascular endothelial cells. Acta Histochemica 119 (2): 113-121. DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v21i1.2359
Article not in English
In the case of publications in languages other than English, the published English title should be provided if one exists, with an annotation such as ââ¬Å(in Turkish)ââ¬Â. If the publication was not published with an English title, provide the original title only; do not provide a self-translation.
Kimy K (2019). Dexiinae (Diptera: Tachinidae) species of Tokat province. Turkish Journal of Entomology 13: 200- 210 (in Turkish with an abstract in English).
Books and reports
Colin MK (2018). Microbiology: Comparison of Lung Capacity in Communities in Low Land and High Land: Mataram. Kumar S (2000). Comparison of Lung Capacity in Communities in Low Land and High Land. 1st ed. Mataram, Indonesia: Lombok Press.
Chapters in books
Subasa & Kindy (2020). Comparison of Lung Capacity in Communities in Low Land and High Land. In: Kindy (editors). Comparison of Lung Capacity in Communities in Low Land and High Land. Mataram, Indonesia: Lombok Press, pp. 273-286.
Conference proceedings
Subari, A. (2017). Phylogenetic Analysis of Rasbora spp. Based on the Mitochondrial DNA COI gene in Harapan Forest. In: 2nd International Conference on Molecular Biology & Molecular Medicine; Mataram University, Mataram, Indonesia. p. 35.
Marwan, A. (2012). Minyak ikan dan stabilitas oksidatifnya (Tesis Ph.D). Institut Pertanian Bogor. Jawa Barat.
Copyright Notice
Jurnal Biologi Tropis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The copyright of the received article shall be assigned to the author as the owner of the paper. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). The journal maintains the publishing rights to the published articles.
Authors are permitted to disseminate published articles by sharing the link/DOI of the article at the journal. Authors are allowed to use their articles for any legal purposes deemed necessary without written permission from the journal with an acknowledgment of initial publication to this journal.