Muhammad Junaidi , Nurliah Nurliah , Fariq AzharDOI:
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2018): Juli - DesemberArticles
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Mengingat peranan zooplankton dalam ekosistem perairan sangat penting, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis struktur komunitas zooplankton yang meliputi jenis, kelimpahan, dan indek ekologi, dan ÃÂ kaitanÃÂ distribusi zooplankton dan kualitas perairan di Perairan Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Pengumpulan data dirancang dengan sistem informasi geografis (SIG) pada 23 stasiun pengamatan yang ditentukan dengan teknik acak sederhana. ÃÂ Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dan kelimpahan zooplankton yang ditemukan di Perairan Kabupaten Lombok Utara cukup bervariasi dengan jumlah genusÃÂ sebanyak 9 yang terbagiÃÂ dariÃÂ 5 kelas. ÃÂ Berdasarkan perhitungan indeks ekologi menunjukkan bahwa strukturÃÂ komunitas zooplankton dalam kategori perairan yang kurang stabil. Kelimpahan dan indeks ekologi zooplanktonÃÂ dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan (fisik-kimia) perairan antara lainÃÂ kecerahan, pH dan oksigen terlarut.
Kata kunci : zooplankton,ÃÂ struktur komunitas, kualitas perairan, kelimpahan
Considering that the role of zooplankton in aquatic ecosystems is very ÃÂ important, research is carried out with the aim of analyzing zooplankton community structure which includes the type, abundance, and ecological index, and the relation of zooplankton distribution and water quality in North Lombok Regency Waters. Data collection was designed with a geographical information system (GIS) on 23 observation stations that were determined by simple random techniques. he results of this study indicate that the type and abundance of zooplankton found in the waters of North Lombok Regency are quite varied with the number of genus as many as 9 which are divided into 5 classes. Based on the calculation of the ecological index shows that the zooplankton community structure is in the category of less stable waters. The abundance and ecological index of zooplankton is influenced by the environmental (physical-chemical) conditions of the waters including brightness, pH and dissolved oxygen.
Keywords: zooplankton, community structure, water quality, abundance
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