Riyadi Subur , Sarni SarniDOI:
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2018): Juli - DesemberArticles
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Mangrove adalah ekosistem pesisir transisi yang unik, tumbuh diantara lingkungan laut dan terestrial, penyebaran umumnya terbatas pada daerah tropis dan subtropis di seluruh dunia.Menyediakan berbagai layanan ekologi, ekonomi serta sosial.Efektif berfungsi sebagai pelindung lahan daratan pesisir pulau kecil.The purpose of this study is to determine the adaptive capacity of mangrove ecosystems on Maitara Island.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodePengukuran Kapasitas Adaptif Ekosistem Mangrove.Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 4 spesies mangrove yaitu, Rhizophora apiculata,R. mucronata, R. stylosa danSoneratia alba, àterdiri dari 2 genera,Rhizophora, dan Sonneratia.Nilai indeks dominasi sebesar 0,57, dominasi sedang oleh R. apiculata.Kerapatan pohon per hektar sebanyak 789 tegakan.Nilai kapasitas adaptif ekosistem mangrove di pulau Maitara sebesar 0,44, yang berarti bahwa kapastias adaptif mangrove pulau tersebutââ¬Åsedangââ¬Â.ÃÂ
Kata kunci: Kapasitas Adaptif, Mangrove, Pulau Kecil-Mikro.
Mangroves are unique transitional coastal ecosystems, growing between marine and terrestrial environments, the spread is generally limited to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Providing a variety of ecological, economic and social services. Effectively serves as a protector coastal landof small island. The purpose of this study is to determine the adaptive capacity of mangrove ecosystems on Maitara Island. This research was conducted using the Mangrove Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity Measurement method. The results of this study found as many as 4 mangrove species, that isRhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa and Soneratia alba, consisting of 2 genera,Rhizophora, and Sonneratia. Dominance index value is 0.57, moderate dominance by R. apiculata. Tree density per hectare is 789 stands. The value of the adaptive capacity of the mangrove ecosystem on the island of Maitara is 0.44, which means that the island's mangrove adaptive capacity is "medium".ÃÂ Keywords: Adaptive Capacity, Mangrove, Micr-Small Island.References
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