Identification of Ornamental Flower Plants in The Blooms Garden Bali as a Learning Resource for High School Biology
Rachma Kusuma Ningati , Nur Rokhimah HanikDOI:
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2025): Januari - MaretKeywords:
Biology learning, biodiversity, ornamental plants, plant identification.Articles
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The Blooms Garden Bali is a tourist attraction featuring various ornamental flowers that can serve as a learning resource for high school biology students. This research aims to identify the ornamental flower species in The Blooms Garden Bali and assess their potential as an educational resource for biodiversity studies. The study employed an exploratory method, involving direct observation and identification of plant species using reference materials and digital tools. Data collection was conducted over five months, from July to November 2024. The results identified 22 ornamental flower species belonging to 14 families and two classes. The findings indicate that these plants can be utilized in biology learning, particularly in biodiversity topics, to enhance students' understanding through real-world applications. The research contributes to the development of interactive learning materials, such as educational presentations and e-modules, aligning with modern digital learning approaches. This study highlights the importance of integrating local biodiversity into biology education, fostering students’ environmental awareness and scientific literacy.
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