A Simple and Sensitive Optode Sensor Glucose Based on Immobilization Benedict Into Nata Cellulose Membranes


Dhony Hermanto , Rochmad Kris Sanjaya , Nurul Ismillayli






Vol. 15 No. 4 (2020): September


Optical Chemical Sensor, Benedict Reagent, Nata Cellulose, Entrapment, Glucose



How to Cite

Hermanto, D., Sanjaya, R. K., & Ismillayli, N. (2020). A Simple and Sensitive Optode Sensor Glucose Based on Immobilization Benedict Into Nata Cellulose Membranes. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 15(4), 404–407. https://doi.org/10.29303/jpm.v15i4.1352


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Determination of glucose concentration in urine and blood that anyone can use at any time is Benedict reagent based chemical sensor. This optical sensor was developed by immobilizing Benedict reagent into nata cellulose as supporting material via entrapment. The nata cellulose/Benedict membrane for glucose determination has optimum condition at maximum wavelenghtà àof 541.57 nm, Benedict concentration of 0.4470 M, and ratio of nata cellulse mass to Benedict volume was 1:3. Characterization of optical sensor for glucose was in working range of 0-5000 ppm, limit of detection was 911,11 ppm, sensitivity was 0.0009 and reproducibility was 0.2295%.


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Author Biographies

Dhony Hermanto, Program Studi Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mataram

Rochmad Kris Sanjaya, Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Kadiri, Kediri-Jawa Timur

Nurul Ismillayli, Program Studi Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mataram


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