The effect of the media comic education on science learning outcome


Awdie Fathan Alie , Mohammad Liwa Ilhamdi , Heri Hadi Saputra






Vol. 16 No. 5 (2021): November 2021


Media comics are educational, Science learning outcomes



How to Cite

Alie, A. F., Ilhamdi, M. L., & Saputra, H. H. (2021). The effect of the media comic education on science learning outcome. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 16(5), 589–594.


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The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of implementing educational comic media on student learning outcomes for science content of fifth-grade students at SDN 2 Pengenjek. This type of research is an experimental research design with a quasi-experimental type of non-equivalent control group design. The data collection technique used is an observation of the learning implementation applying educational comic media and tests to collect data on learning outcomes using multiple-choice tests. The research population was 44 respondents, namely the fifth-grade students of SDN 2 Pengenjek, determined by the saturated sampling technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis (t-test). The results showed the average value in the experimental class was 69.09 while the class was 44.85. The results of the t-test analysis on studentsââ¬â¢ science learning outcomes obtained a significance value of 0.000 at a significance level of 5%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is an impact of using educational comic media on the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SDN 2 Pengenjek.


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Author Biographies

Awdie Fathan Alie, University of Mataram

Mohammad Liwa Ilhamdi, University of Mataram

Heri Hadi Saputra, University of Mataram


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