Development of Augmented Reality Media on PjBL Learning Model of Human Motion Organ Material to Improve Learning Outcomes


Naila Maulidannisa , Isa Ansori






Vol. 19 No. 3 (2024): May 2024


Augmented Reaity; IPA; Media; PjBL



How to Cite

Maulidannisa, N., & Ansori, I. (2024). Development of Augmented Reality Media on PjBL Learning Model of Human Motion Organ Material to Improve Learning Outcomes. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 19(3), 459–463.


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This research aims to develop and test the feasibility and effectiveness of AR-based learning media (augmented reality) so that students become more active in following the learning process. This research and R&D (Reseacrh and Development) with the ADDIE development model design. The novelty of this research is the development of Human Movement Organs (bones) with interactive edugame evaluations that improve students' cognitive learning outcomes. Analysis of the data obtained after the research stages are carried out. The results showed that AR-based learning media (augmented reality) was successfully developed, feasible, and effective to use as learning media, seen from the results of media validation obtained a percentage of 84.72%, material validation obtained a percentage of 83.30% and student response obtained a percentage of 88.46%. The conclusion of the Augmented Reality media development research on the PjBL learning model of Human Movement Organ material was successfully developed, very feasible, and effective for improving the learning outcomes of Nabaul Ulum Wonorejo students in Pati Regency.


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Author Biographies

Naila Maulidannisa, Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semarang State University

Isa Ansori, Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semarang State University


Copyright (c) 2024 Naila Maulidannisa, Isa Ansori

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