Potential of Bintangur (Calophyllum spp.) Diversity in West Kalimantan as a Biology Learning Resource in Senior High School
Vol. 19 No. 6 (2024): November 2024Keywords:
Bintangur; Biodiversity; Biology Learning Resource; Calophyllum; West KalimantanArticles
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Indonesia is one of the countries with a very high level of biodiversity. West Kalimantan is one of the provinces with the highest level of biodiversity in Indonesia. One form of biodiversity found in West Kalimantan's forests is bintangur (Calophyllum spp.). The very high diversity of bintangur species is fascinating to be utilized as a source of learning biology, especially in the material of biodiversity and their interactions and roles. This study aimed to analyze the potential of bintangur diversity in West Kalimantan as a biology learning resource on the material of biodiversity and their interactions and roles in senior high school. This research uses the qualitative method. This research consists of two stages. The first stage is a literature review to find information related to bintangur species in West Kalimantan. In contrast, the second stage is an analysis of learning resource requirements based on the results of the literature review that has been carried out. The results of the literature review stage show that there are 27 species of bintangur in West Kalimantan, as well as their classification, main characteristics, habitats, and values to the environment and other organisms. The literature review stage results are then continued to the learning resources analysis. Six requirements must be met for learning resources: clarity of the potential availability of objects and problems raised, suitability for learning objectives, clarity of targets and their designation, clarity of information disclosed, clarity of exploration guidelines, and clarity of the results to be achieved. The analysis of learning resource requirements that have been carried out shows that the diversity of bintangur species in West Kalimantan meets the requirements of learning resources so that it can be utilized as a biology learning resource on the material of biodiversity and their interactions and roles in senior high school.
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Author Biographies
Mas Akhbar Faturrahman, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Kurnia Ningsih, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Klaudia Mareta Sandra, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Widya Astuti, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Isyatirradhiyah Isyatirradhiyah, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Nambisas Arum Kusuma Ayu, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Nur Salsabila, Biology Education Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Artha Bayu Afifah, Biology Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Aurendyo Yuscel Perdana, Biology Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Copyright (c) 2024 Mas Akhbar Faturrahman, Kurnia Ningsih, Klaudia Mareta Sandra, Widya Astuti, Isyatirradhiyah Isyatirradhiyah, Nambisas Arum Kusuma Ayu, Nur Salsabila, Artha Bayu Afifah, Aurendyo Yuscel Perdana
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