A Development of a Coarse Particle Concentration Measurement System Using a Crystal-Based Sensor and a Dust Sensor for Air Quality Measurement


Arif Budianto , Susi Rahayu , Laili Mardiana , Ramadian Ridho Illahi , Rosita Juniarti






Vol 10 No `1 (2024): January-June

Kata Kunci:

Coarse Particle, Dust Sensor, Frequency, Oscillator, Sensor System


Cara Mengutip

Budianto, A., Rahayu, S., Mardiana, L., Ridho Illahi, R., & Juniarti, R. (2024). A Development of a Coarse Particle Concentration Measurement System Using a Crystal-Based Sensor and a Dust Sensor for Air Quality Measurement. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Dan Teknologi (JPFT), 10(`1), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.29303/jpft.v10i`1.6692


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QCM or quartz crystal microbalance is a non static crystal that can be used as a mass sensor. As a piezoelectric crystal, a QCM generates an electrical signal with a specific frequency. The frequency change can be utilized as a frequency counter in a mass measurement system. This study aims to develop a coarse particle sensor system using a QCM and an oscillator circuit. In line with this, this study uses an oscillator circuit and a QCM for a sensor development. Thus, the frequency measurement of the QCM contains an oscillator and a signal conditioner connected to a microcontroller. For this purpose, an Arduino Nano was used as the signal processing, while a QCM was used as a coarse particle sensor and compared to a digital dust sensor (Winsen ZH03). The sensor system was evaluated using a fixed-type crystal connected to an oscillator: 2.5 MHz - 7.2 MHz. Arduino Nano processed the frequency signal generated by the developed oscillator. The results show that the sensor system has a stable output signal compared to the comparator. There is a linear correlation between the frequency measured by the system and the oscilloscope (99.73%). It can be concluded that the sensor system can measure coarse particle concentrations from 32-620 ug/cm3 (frequencies from 2 MHz to 7.2 MHz) with a response time of 1 second. The system has an accuracy of 99% and a resolution of 1 Hz.


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Biografi Penulis

Arif Budianto, University of Mataram

Susi Rahayu, University of Mataram

Materials Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Laili Mardiana, University of Mataram

Ramadian Ridho Illahi, University of Mataram

Rosita Juniarti, University of Mataram


Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Susi Rahayu, Arif Budianto, Laili Mardiana, Ramadian Ridho Illahi, Rosita Juniarti

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