Development of e-LKPD Based on STEM to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Skills on Topic of Renewable Energy


Aulia Salsabilla , Ida Kaniawati , Winny Liliawati






Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): January-June


e-LKPD, Critical Thinking Skills, STEM



How to Cite

Salsabilla, A., Kaniawati, I., & Liliawati, W. (2024). Development of e-LKPD Based on STEM to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on Topic of Renewable Energy . Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Dan Teknologi, 10(1), 221–232.


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The research aims to develop e-LKPD based on STEM on renewable energy material that can facilitate students in enhancing critical thinking skills. This e-LKPD was developed by using the Research and Development (R & D) method with the ADDIE development model which consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation stages. The feasibility of STEM-based e-LKPD is measured through validation involving 3 lecturers and 3 physics subject teachers. The enhancement of students' critical thinking skills was measured through data collection involving 35 grade X students. Students' response to the developed e-LKPD was measured by using a student response questionnaire. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that: 1) e-LKPD based on STEM is feasible to use when reviewed based on aspects of material/content, design, and language. 2) The enhancement of students' critical thinking skills obtained an N-Gain of 0.68 which means that learning using e-LKPD based on STEM can enhance students' critical thinking skills with a medium category. 3) STEM-based e-LKPDs received positive responses from students and received scores with good qualifications.


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Author Biographies

Aulia Salsabilla, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Ida Kaniawati, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

physics Education Study Program


Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Salsabilla, Ida Kaniawati, Winny Liliawati

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